Tuesday, 9 September 2014


Hello again my friends!!

Its been quite a while since i had time to blog anything, so I figured I'd give you all an update on what is happening in the wonderful world of Sampedros.com 
As you may remember we moved (my familly, plants, dog & I) to Spain. Although it was great and we all miss Valencia loads, due to unforseen family complications we had to return.
But enough of that.

Since I sold the-mush-room.co.uk last year I have had THOUSANDS of enquiries asking for Salvia divinorum, both active and edible spores, exotic, rare and interesting seeds and plants alike; So I have decided to re-open the now defunct mush-room again, under the umbrella of Sam Pedro's Ethno Emporium!

We have a new logo (well V2.0) to go with our new direction...
which I'm sure you will agree looks fine and funky! If you want some stickers please email me and I'll get some out to you!

So what is new about Sam Pedro'?

Funny you should ask. Over the coming weeks we will be building up our stock of non-cactus seeds and live plants, including two strains of Salvia Divinorum, Kratom & various shamanic and ornamental herbs and seeds. Since we have been collecting these since the mid 90's, we have more than a little experience and will be able to help you achieve the incredible garden you deserve.

We will be sending out a monthly newsletter too, so if you wish to receive one, please sign up for it on the home page of our site .

This blog will also get regular updates AND there will be our own You Tube channel where there will be instructions and teks and plant videos 

Finally may I wish all our valued customers and friends much love and happiness in their gardening efforts.
All the best

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